
Help me raise money for future scholarship recipients.
Matt Fritch
Competitive sports were an integral part of Matt’s life for as long as he can remember. He started skiing at the age of three and was involved in sports throughout elementary, middle and high school. Serving as captain of his high school swim team, provided him leadership experience as well as a lifelong love of fitness related pursuits. In 2003 Matt was paralyzed from the chest or T6 level down in a mountain biking accident. Handcycling quickly became a new passion and helped him to look forward instead of back. Now he competes in marathons, kayaks Class IV rapids, skis cross country and qualified for the 2011 Para Triathlon National Championships. Matt worked full time for PRIDE Industries while pursuing an MBA from Drexel University. His goal is to become an effective and influential leader capable of managing organizations whose bottom line is measured in positive social, as well as economic impact.