
Help me raise money for future scholarship recipients.
Steve Dalton
Steve Dalton competed on the San Marin High School Swimming, Diving and Water Polo Teams as well as the Novato Aquanauts Swim Team. On March 2, 2002 Steve was in a single vehicle motorcycle accident that resulted in Paraplegia at the T-4 level. He has learned to thrive with his disability from mentors within adaptive sports programs. Adaptive sports played a huge role in his recovery. He learned to kayak with ETC (Environmental Traveling Companions); water ski, snow ski and downhill mountain bike with DSUSA (Disabled Sports USA). Soon after his accident Steve became active in peer-support groups. Steve says that “my disability isn’t my identity, but it has shaped whom I am and what I want to do. I’m developing a plan to work directly with the newly injured to provide them with opportunities to take “safe risks” in a supportive and structured manner. “I’d like to facilitate an activity-based education program. Participants will be doing more than recreating; they will be building real skills and gaining self-confidence. By helping people discover their “new” bodies and rediscover their spirits, they will transcend what they thought were their limitations.”