
Steven Azarian

"My disability does not separate me from anyone else and I don’t want it to stop me from achieving my full potential."

At the age of 12, Steven experienced a life-altering event, sustaining a firework injury that resulted in the amputation of his right hand. Despite spending six days in the hospital, he was determined not to let this setback deter him from pursuing his ambitions. On the seventh day, he eagerly returned to school, and as soon as his arm had healed, he wasted no time in returning to his true passion - swimming. He was determined to not allow this accident to prevent him from doing anything he had previously enjoyed doing. With his father being an alumnus of USC, Steven had heard about Swim With Mike and attended two events at the Uytengsu Aquatics Center, where he had the opportunity to participate in swim clinics. He enjoyed the events and meeting Swim With Mike friends and family. Steven looks forward to pursuing his bachelor’s degree in business at Arizona State University.