
Help me raise money for future scholarship recipients.
Thomas Haig
In 1980 Haig won the Wisconsin High School Diving Championship also making the H.S. All-American team. He went on to letter three times at the University of Illinois while getting a B.S. in Business Psychology. Haig spent the next seven years traveling around the world as a performer and manager with World Wide Productions of Hong Kong. He won the 'Mas Bravos' prize at the 1990 Acapulco Cliff Diving Championships. A mountain-biking accident in 1996 left him paralyzed at the T-12 level. He since has won the Portland Marathon Hand cycling division two times and P.R.ed year at the age of 45 with a time of 1:50.08. Tom graduated from Washington State University with honors in Broadcast News in the Summer of 2008 and is looking to follow John Naber into the field. Tom spent a year in Northern India teaching broadcasting to high school students.